Kara Isaac

Inspirational Contemporary Romance Author

About ME

Kara Isaac is a RITA® Award winning author who lives in Wellington, New Zealand where she writes contemporary romance with heart and humor. Her supportive husband has not read any of her books because they contain "way too much talking and not enough gunfights". When she's not chasing three little people or working her "real" job, she spends her time writing horribly bad first drafts and wishing you could get Double Stuf Oreos in New Zealand. 

I’m a pastor’s wife, mum (or mom) of three small benevolent dictators, proud Kiwi (born and bred), public servant, and book lover from before I could talk. I’m living the dream of writing books that (hopefully!) make people laugh, cheer for the characters, and sigh when they turn that final page.

I love Double Stuf Oreos, cheesecake and Mexican food. I tolerate running in order indulge in the former. I have a not-so-secret love of The Bachelor even though my husband insists it’s scripted and I’ve just realised that Chris Harrison hasn’t aged since 2005. My husband married me in spite of my domestic skills (or lack thereof). I will do almost anything to avoid cleaning a bathroom, wouldn’t even know what to do with a duster. I believe “Thou shalt not iron” should be the eleventh commandment.  

My movie tastes are stuck in the early millennium and an embarrassing number of favourites involve Hugh Grant with floppy hair. The best part is that I now have a career where watching them can legitimately be called “research.”

Kind people from Publishers' Weekly, RT Reviews and other book-loving places have said some lovely things about my books. I'm saved from taking any of them too seriously when my own children would prefer I worked at McDonalds so I could get them coupons for free fries and my father gave Close To You a four-star Amazon review because there was room for improvement!

I love to hear from readers! You can connect with me on FacebookTwitterGoodReads, use the contact page or subscribe to my newsletter below for exclusive book news and giveaways. 

Author photos copyright of Jenny Siaosi.

© Kara Isaac 2020